The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of
St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England & Wales and Provinces Overseas

Provincial Priory of
Oxfordshire, Berkshire & Buckinghamshire

               R. E. Kt. D.R. White Provincial Prior

          E. Kt. M.G. Woolgar Provincial Sub-Prior

              E. Kt. R. Diplock Provincial Vice-Chancellor

               E. Kt. D.J. Parry Provincial Marshall

Provincial Officers 2023/2024

Paul Franklin


Alan West


Graham Pattenden

1st Constable

Russell Janes

2nd Constable

Paul Savage


Ivor Hawkins


David Wallis

Deputy Vice-Chancellor

John Ormston

Deputy Marshal

Malcolm Woolgar

Deputy Marshal

Paul Jenkins


Kevin Mellett


Trevor Egleton


David Woods

Standard Bearer Beauceant

Simon Gillas

Standard Bearer Vexum Belli

Ian Mitchell

Banner Bearer

Simon Jeffrey

Sword Bearer

Phillip Purves

Aide de Camp

Albert Griffith

Aide de Camp

Denis Williams

Warden of Regalia

Andrew Curtis


Royston Williams

Capt’ of Guards

Graham Seeman


Dougie Leacy


The 2023-2024 Bodyguard

Join us. Begin your journey


Membership in the Order is open to all Master Masons of the Christian Faith and who have been exalted into a Holy Royal Arch Chapter. A Candidate must be regularly proposed and seconded into a local Preceptory, and once Installed, becomes a Knight of the Masonic Order of the Temple. There is also the degree of Knight of St Paul and the Order of Malta; which is usually conferred at the Provincial Malta meeting in November, by the Provincial Sub-Prior.

If you are interested in joining us and would like some more information, please contact the Provincial Vice-Chancellor.

Precepts of the Order

Love, honour, and fear God, walk after His commandments. Maintain and defend the Christian Faith and the honour, dignity and interests of our Order. Be loyal to your Sovereign, dutiful to the Grand Master and obedient to those who rule over you. Prefer honour to wealth. Be just and true in word and deed. Give no willing cause of offence to any; but, while opposing wrong and injustice, deport yourselves courteously and gently. Assist the distressed, the widow and the fatherless. Eschew all debasing employment, recreation and company; abhor pride and selfishness and so raise the standard of chivalrous honour, striving for the welfare of your Brethren.

Provincial Prior Designate

Provincial Priory



Grand Prior

Great Priory







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